What is Fertility?
Fertility is the ability to conceive and give birth to offsprings. While fertility occurs naturally; it is often presumed that you would automatically conceive when the time is right for you. This sometimes is not the case for about 10-15% of couples. If 100 couples set out to try conception at the beginning of a given year, 85 of them will have conceived within the first year while another 5 out of the 100 will conceive in the subsequent year. This implies that 10-15 couples will be experiencing a challenge with their fertility and this will need evaluation at the end of that year.
The other assumption made by couples is that the conception will be immediate-this may not happen immediately.
Age is the greatest determinant of fertility as it affects egg number and quality. Sperm quality is also affected in the older men population.
In this article we share information on when you are likely to get pregnant when trying to conceive; ways to optimize your health and boost your fertility; other factors that affect fertility such as frequency of intercourse; tips for couples in long distance relationships and fertility preservation
How long will it take for me to get pregnant?
For a fertile woman to get pregnant; it may take an average of two to three weeks depending on your cycle length. Fertilization occurs when the egg meets the sperm and the egg is released at the time of ovulation. Ovulation occurs two weeks prior to the beginning of your next cycle signified by start of flow of your menses in regular ovulatory cycles-this would be around day 14 in a 28 day cycle. The egg has a lifespan of about 24 bours after its release while the sperm may live longer in the system for an average of 72 hours to 120 hours.
Regular or Irregular Cycle lengths
Having a regular cycle means your cycle length is constant i.e. every constant number of days for example every 24 days or 32 days. It does not mean you have menses on the same date every month (this is because different calendar months have varying number of days).
Optimizing Your Natural fertility-How can you increase your fertility potential naturally?
You will only be fertile a few days every month. These are the five days preceding ovulation (-5,-4,-3,-2,-1), day of ovulation (0) and a day after ovulation (+1) with the highest probability being one to two days prior to ovulation and the day of ovulation
With this in mind; we let you in on how try to optimize natural fertility
Here we share some tips to optimize your health and ways that can assist you boost your natural fertility potential:
- Having frequent sexual intercourse every other day or every two days
- Have sex at least 3 times in a week starting soon after your menstrual periods are over
- Semen quality in terms of number, movement and morphology (shape or form) improves with two to three days of ejaculatory abstinence. While the latter statement is longer intervals of abstinence is considered counterproductive
- A normal BMI (18.5kg/M2-24.9kg/M2) is good for fertility. BMI stands for body mass index and is calculated by dividing your body’s weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters and is one of the parameters used to check for healthy weight. This implies that you may need to work on your weight with good nutrition and exercise as you plan to conceive. This is good for both partners in the relationship
- There are no good quality studies that are available yet on the effects of caffeine use, cigarette smoking, stress and alcohol intake; observational studies show effect of these agents on fertility. It is recommended that you reduce coffee intake and stress; limit your alcohol use and stop smoking to boost your fertility potential
- Age affects fertility by reducing the egg quality and number as well as reduce sperm quality. You may want to observe this biological clock and consider conception at appropriate age or fertility preservation.
- Start taking your prenatal vitamins in preparation
Remember ovulation happens 14 days prior to the start of your next menstrual cycle if you have a regular cycle. Ovulation is more erratic in those with irregular cycles
Fertility and Frequency of Intercourse
Fertility Preservation
- When age is not necessarily on our side as it is normally is when it comes to fertility as your biological clock is ticking; for both men and women. There are fertility preservation measures that you can discuss with fertility experts.Learn more from this video: https://youtu.be/QR72hE5olAc
Long distance relationship and fertility Tips
Regular 48 hourly intimate sexual relationships is recommended for conception to happen
Distance will affect frequency of intercourse and thus fertility. If can be avoided the better but sometimes this is not possible
There is only ¼ chance of getting pregnant in a given cycle. The rest of the time 75% you will not get pregnant
Fertility and Conception is not a one man’s affair; both of you must work and walk together in the journey. Here are some things you can do and consider as a couple in a long distance relationship and trying to get pregnant
- Eat Healthy; Exercise; avoid stress; have good sleep; reduce alcohol; stop smoking; take prenatal folic acid- both of you must work on improving your natural fertility index. You can go for your well man or well woman check up and preconception counselling. This you can do while apart and together as part of optimizing your natural fertility
- Increase frequency of intercourse when you get together. Prioritize the relationship and being together whenever you get an opportunity.
- Track your ovulation and time sexual intercourse around the time of fertility window if regular cycles. Know your cycle length. Cooperate with your partner to be able to achieve this so that it can help you plan being together at around the time of ovulation if possible.
- Do not stress over it. Stress has a negative impact on fertility for both of you. Make love not necessarily to make babies. Be intimate. Invest in your relationship. Do it for love sake.
- You may want to consider intrauterine insemination (IUI)-talk to your gynecologist/infertility specialist.
- Put your Trust in a higher being- God.
- Discuss any concerns you may have regarding conceiving while in a long distance relationship with your gynecologist -both partners.
Way Forward?
Learn more on preconception counselling here.
Signs that you may be ovulating? Learn more about ovulation in FAQ segment here.
If you have been trying to conceive for a year and aged below 35 years as a woman or have been trying for six months and aged more than 35 years; you need to seek care from a gynecologist.
Read about infertility or subfertility and infertility evaluation tests in our subsequent blog posts.
Nyalife Women’s Health clinic answer your questions on fertility; offer preconception care and counselling services; walk with you during your pregnancy journey and beyond. Talk to us or your gynecologist about your fertility concerns.
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