Your First Gynecologic Visit Should not Cause you a Scare!!!
Your first gynecologic visit should not be scary maybe based on the stories or experiences you have heard from your friends or relatives or online. Do not postpone this important aspect of your life because of such stories and fear of the “speculum” and “pelvic examination”.
We discuss with you the details of your first gynecologic visit and this also translates to subsequent gynecologic visits you will ever have with maybe just slight variation depending on your diagnosis.
We keep you informed so that you are better prepared and go for that gyn exam without postponing any longer
Prep Before Gynecologic visit
You do not need to prepare when coming in for your first gynecologic consult. Come as you are!!!
Some patients have convinced themselves that they needed to do some of these things before paying the gynecologist a visit:
- Shaving or waxing or trimming their pubic hair before an appointment with the gynecologist-This is not necessary and may not even be healthy for your vulva. Read more on perineal hygiene by clicking
- You need not to be on your menses before scheduling your gynecologist visit. This is not true. For normal menstrual bleeding that is not heavy you do not need to cancel your booking or postpone altogether the visit. The heavy bleeding may be the issue that you need addressed on some occasions and this may warrant you to book an appointment. If you do postpone, just know that gynecologist are in the business of sorting reproductive health issues and therefore do not fear being in contact with blood from the reproductive tract
- You may want to avoid intercourse or any vaginal medicines if you are coming in for your PAP test. This is recommended

You do not need any special preparation or any preparation whatsoever.
Are there other myths that you may have come across regarding preparation before your gynecologic visit that you would want addressed. Share your comments below.

Age at First Gynecologic Visit
Ideally you want to have your first visit with the gynecologist as a young teen girl around the age of 13 years. How many of us did so? Few to say the least. This should tell you that you can still come for your first visit if you have not done so and is older than the age of 13. The intention for this visit is mainly to establish rapport with your gynecologist. If there are any concerns they will be addressed. Usually there is no need for a pelvic exam at this stage.
Now that you have decided and on your way to the gynecologist for your first visit visit, what should you expect?

Questions Your Gynecologist is likely to ask You
Your gynecologist is likely to ask you questions that may be embarrassing for you to discuss with anybody else because they touch on the most intimate parts of your body, so be prepared.
Gynecologists are trained to discuss the vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, pelvis and all that is related to reproductive health. Do not fear to have the discussion since privacy and confidentiality is guaranteed and this is their “niche” area.

Your answers are taken as the gospel truth regarding any of the questions. There is no other way to know about you other than from you.
1. Menstrual History
You will be asked all questions pertaining to your menses such as:
- The first day of your last normal periods
- Regularity of your menstrual flow
- How many days between cycles to know your cycle length-this is between first day of your menses to the next cycle
- How many days do the menses or periods last
- Amount of flow-are they heavy? light or medium flow? normal? how many sanitary pads or tampons do you use in a day? do they soak fully?
- Are there associated clots
- Do you experience uterine cramping-during, before or after menses? if so, how severe? what have you used before to relieve the cramps and do they help?
2. Sexual History
This is another question that might leave wondering whether what you hearing is okey. Which people ask these questions? Gynecologists ask all questions concerning your sexuality.
- You will be asked whether you are sexually active or not
- Which type of sex?
- Is it enjoyable?
- Is there associated pain during intercourse? If so, is the dyspareunia superficial or deep
- When did you have your first sexual intercourse=coitarche?
- How many sexual partners have you heard?
- Ever been treated for a sexually transmitted infection or ever had an STI?
- NB: UTI-Urinary Tract Infection is not equal to STI
Be truthful. Whatever you say in the doctor’s office remains in the doctor’s office.
3. Cervical Cancer Screening History
Be prepared to answer questions on cervical cancer screening: Be it a PAP test/smear or HPV test.
Questions that you will be asked include;
- Have you ever had a cervical cancer screening or a Pap test? Testing starts at the age of 21 years.
- What were the results if the answer to above question is in the affirmative
- Which year was the cervical cancer screening done?
- Are you up to date with regards to the screening.
- You will be asked about HPV vaccine if you are a teenager and eligible for the vaccine.
4. Contraception History
This question will pop up at most office visits to the gynecologist. You will be asked whether you have ever used a family planning method, the type, duration of use; any side effects. This would cover both long term, short term contraceptives and emergency contraception use.
Other Concerns and Questions
1. Current concerns
This one of the initial questions your doctor or gynecologist would like to know. What brings you to the clinic so that he or she may be of concern. Do not hesitate or go round the bush before you tell. Gynecologists have heard it all and want to assist you in the best way they can or refer you accordingly if it is an issue that is beyond their scope

2. The Good. The Bad and The Ugly
This is not to shame but to let you know that you can share with your gynecologist all about your reproductive concerns. To stress to you that at the gynecologist we talk about our reproductive organs like the rest of our body parts
We talk of vaginal discharges; previous obstetric history and the scars they may have come with; preconception care counselling et cetra.
Most gynecologic visits are accompanied with pelvic exams. Not all gynecologic visits though.
Feel safe if you are not comfortable with this. Note that most times it really assists in confirming the diagnosis and is important.
A chaperone usually is present during the examination too.
It involves a look at the vulva and vagina plus with the help of a speculum-a metallic or plastic duck-beak like gadget, a digital vaginal examination as well.
NOTE: A pelvic exam is not the same as a pap smear test or cervical cancer screening test. However; both can be done concurrently!!!
Nyalife Women’s Health clinic team is willing and ready to take care of your reproductive health concerns. Contact us today on 0746516514 to schedule your booking; whether first gynecologist visit or any other gynecologic visit.
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