Can You Fly While Pregnant

Yes, you can. Most airlines and guidelines allow for travel when pregnant up till you are 36 weeks pregnant in uncomplicated singleton pregnancies and up until you are 32 weeks pregnant when carrying twins without any complications.

Different Airlines may have different air travel policy about flying when pregnant; however most agree on travelling as indicated above in uncomplicated pregnancies and the need for a medical clearance certificate for pregnant women who are 28 weeks (7 months pregnant and above) when not having complications. 

Flying While Pregnant: What You Should Know? Nyalife Women's Health Blog Details the When and How.

Below is what you will need to know as you plan to fly while pregnant. Talk to your local airline concerning their particular rules

Can You fly While in the First Trimester (Up to 13 weeks pregnant)

Generally most airlines do not restrict travel during the first trimester in uncomplicated pregnancy and no medical certification or clearance is required from your gynecologist or doctor.
However, flying when  three months pregnant or less may have a share of its own challenges because of some of the early pregnancy symptoms such as nausea.
You may consider planning your journey in the 2nd trimester from around 14 weeks (3 months) to 28 weeks (7 months) when the early symptoms of pregnancy like nausea have waned off and is able to move about quite freely

Wear a seatbelt appropriately below the belly at all times while seated in the course  of the flight.

Flying When Pregnant

Can You Fly in the Second Trimester of pregnancy?

This is the best time to fly if you were planning to. If your pregnancy is uncomplicated you will not need to have a medical certificate or clearance to travel by air. Most of the early pregnancy sypmtoms have subsided and you are still not bogged down by the pressure/weight of pregnancy which is associated with the third trimester.

With complicated pregnancy you will need a medical certificate or clearance from your gynecologist or general practitioner irrespective of the duration of pregnancy with clear due date and stating that you may be able to travel.

How Far Along in Pregnancy Can you Fly?

Different airlines may have different travel policy for expectant mothers. Generally most allow travel without written medical clearance up to 28 weeks. For uncomplicated singleton pregnancies  you will need a written medical clearance from 28 weeks onwards until 36 weeks of pregnancy to be allowed to travel. In case you are carrying twins and planning to travel by air, you will be allowed to travel until week 32 of pregnancy with a written medical certificate.

When should you stop flying when pregnant? Most guidelines and airlines restrict flying while pregnant for expectant mothers beyond 36 weeks with singleton pregnancies and beyond 32 weeks gestation for expectant mothers carrying twins 

Flying While Pregnant: Additional Information

  1. You will have to get prophylaxis against malaria if travelling to a malaria endemic region and this should be started two weeks before your travel dates. Talk to your doctor for a prescription to get safe prophylaxis during pregnancy. You will still need to have mosquito repellants and to sleep under a mosquito net
  2. Do not forget your travel documents including travel medical insurance. Pregnancy brain may come with forgetfulness.
  3. Sunscreen with SPF 50 or more and hat to block the sun plus shades are important apart from the other essential items you carry during travel
  4. Talk to your gynecologist about any risks that you may experience and also antenatal vaccines so that you are up to date.
  5. Avoid flying if you have any medical risks or pregnancy risks that may cause you to need emergency care
  6. To reduce your risk of Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) while travelling; take plenty of water, take regular walks to avoid stasis and you can wear pressure stockings too. DVT is a condition whereby blood may clot in the deep veins of your legs.
  7. Visit the airline offices to get their medical clearance forms for your doctor to fill. Some airlines have these documents on their websites that you can easily download and bring to your doctor to fill for you before your travel date.

We have shared information on flying while pregnant based on guidelines and airlines travel policy as well as own air travel experience when pregnant. Are there more tips you may want to share with us regarding flying while pregnant? Do not hesitate to share your comments

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