Why A Healthy You is Important.

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of deaths globally for both men and women! Some of the risk factors for the cardiovascular diseases are high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, high sugar levels, smoking and alcohol consumption. Some of the risk factors are as a result of unhealthy diet and lack of physically fitness.
Half of all hospital admissions are related to cardiovascular diseases with half of these resulting in mortalities yet most of the causes of cardiovascular diseases can be prevented

What Does a Healthy Diet Look Like?

What does a healthy diet look like?
For Babies and Children
  1. Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended for babies during the first six months of life. Breastmilk provides all the required nutrients and energy the baby needs for growth and development. Besides, breastmilk has been shown to have long term benefits too such as reducing the risk of becoming obese and developing some non-communicable diseases in adulthood.
  2. Breastfeeding should continue till 2 years of age with introduction of complementary nutrient dense foods from six months of age.
    For Adults
    1. Amount of foods taken in must balance with energy expended. Energy In=Energy Out
    2. Eat at least five portions of fruits and vegetables every day (400g), Eat a variety depending on the seasons. Different variety of fruits and vegetables provides different micronutrients required by your body and different seasons may offer different types of fruits and vegetables so that you do not starve your body of fruits or vegetables because they are out of season and this also reduces the cost implication. Fruits in season may be cheaper to supplement your diet.
    3. Reduce amount of simple sugars in your diet;  Simple sugars should be less than 10% of total food intake which is equivalent to 12 teaspoons per day. Further reduction offers more benefits. The free sugars are the added sugars to foods and drinks plus those from honey, fruit juices and juice concentrates. Reduce amount of sugary snacks, candies and sugar-sweetened beverages such as carbonated or non‐carbonated soft drinks, flavored water or milk or coffee, energy and sports drinks in your diet.
    4. Eat legumes such as beans, peas, and lentils; nuts and whole grains which are the unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat and brown rice.
    5. Your total fat intake should not exceed 30% of energy intake with saturated fats being less than 10%. Examples of good fats are from avocados, nuts, fish, sunflower oil, olive oil , corn and soybean. Saturated fats are found in fatty meat, milk by products like ghee and butter, coconut oil whereas trans-fats (should be less than 1%) are found in fried foods like chips, baked foods, prepacked snacks and bread spreads.
    6. Reduce salt intake to one teaspoon per day of iodized salt (5g). This includes the sea salt or whichever other salt. Potassium is important to your health as well which you can get from fresh fruits and vegetables
    A healthy plate should have right portions from the 3 main food groups

    Importance of a Healthy Diet

    A healthy diet protects against acquisition of some non communicable diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke

    What You Can Do to Be Physically Fit

    Keeping fit dies not have to be a gym affair. The most important thing is to be consistent in the type of physical activity chosen to burn some calories. Remember you are to balance the energy intake with the output and consistency is important
    Exercise for about 30 minutes everyday on most days of the week. You can actually do this everyday all week.
    You do not have to be registered in a gym for this but if you have, exercise away!
    You can burn some calories by walking, swimming, gardening, mowing your lawn (if you have one), riding a bike, jogging, running etc. Find fun ways to stay fit!

    Your Mental Health


      Get Your Regular Check Ups!

      Do you know your blood pressure level?

      You should have blood pressure measurements every two years but then again if you go for annual welness check ups, your blood pressure levels would be measured as part of the check up.

      Levels above 140 for systolic and 90 for diastolic is considered abnormal.

      If you have hypertension (high blood pressure), is it under control and are you on follow up with your physician?

      Studies indicate that 9 out of 10 patients with high blood pressure have no good control. Be on the look out towards a healthy you

      Hypertension like its sister diabetes are sometimes referred to us silent killers.

      Your blood pressure like your sugars may not give you a warning that it is too high on a certain day so that you get ready!

      What of your body mass index (BMI) measurement, When did you have it checked?

      Other screening that you should have regularly include screening for diabetes, depression especially if you have suffered a recent life crisis; HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, some cancers like colorectal, breast, prostate and cervical cancers



      Avoid Smoking and Accidents

      Smoking has no use in the human body and causes only damage, QUIT SMOKING including passive smoking or second hand smoking. These applies to most of the other substances of abuse

      Be safe on the roads. Wear safety belts and avoid overspeeding.

      We at Nyalife Women’s Health clinic are not only concerned about curative health services but also about preventive health. Take great care of your health as it may be the most important possession you have. It is worth more than all the gold and silver in the world. It is priceless.

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