HPV stands for Human Papillomavirus. Human Papilloma virus is one of the commonest sexually transmitted viruses today. There are many serotypes of HPV; however, only 15 HPV serotypes cause anogenital diseases and cancers, some oral and pharyngeal or throat cancers.
HPV vaccine first became available for use in 2006 and currently many countries have implemented or rolled out HPV vaccination within their national vaccination programs. Majority of the countries do vaccinate young girls aged between 9 to 14 years while some countries have gone ahead and initiated HPV vaccination of young boys in the same age group. WHO has recommended vaccination since 2009 with of young adolescent girls as the primary target group and vaccination of young boys as secondary targets after considering affordability and feasibility.
Women’s Health, First
HPV vaccination is important to prevent acquisition of new human papillomavirus infections and thus reduce morbidities and deaths related to cervical cancer.
Which vaccines are available?
There are three types of vaccines available namely cervarix, Gardasil and Gardasil 9 vaccines. Cervarix vaccine which covers two high risk HPV serotypes 16 and 18 responsible for 70% of cervical cancers. Gardasil offers protection against two low risk HPV serotypes 6 and 11 responsible for genital warts and two high risk HPV types 16 and 18. Gardasil 9 as the name suggests offers protection against 9 serotypes of HPV 6,11,16,18 and additional high risk HPV serotypes 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58. These additional HPV serotypes are responsible for 10-20% of cervical cancer
Overtime research has found out that cervarix vaccine also offers cross protection against high risk HPV (HR HPV) serotypes 31, 33 and 45.
You will still need to have regular cervical cancer screening from the age of 21 years onwards till 65 years since not all the 15 high risk HPV serotypes are covered with the available vaccines. Note: The high risk HPV serotypes covered during vaccination are responsible for most of cervical cancer cases
Are HPV vaccines effective?
Yes, they are. Like many diseases the world has had to deal with including the most recent COVID 19 pandemic, vaccines have proven to be effective time and again against diseases and HPV vaccines are no exception. Where HPV vaccination has been given as recommended over 80% reduction in Human papillomavirus infection has been noted in teens. HPV vaccination amongst young women has shown reduction in HPV infection of more than 70%. Reduction in HPV infections means a reduction in cervical cancer morbidity and deaths
Additional benefits accrued as a result of HPV vaccine is reduction in genital warts, cervical precancer lesions (CIN 1, 2 and 3), Vulval and vaginal precancer lesions, other ano-genital cancers-vulval, vaginal, anal, rectal, penile cancers related to human papillomavirus infection.
The virus-like particles from HPV surface proteins from which HPV vaccine is made resembles the HPV virus and causes the body to mount an antibody reaction against new human papillomavirus infections and thus highly effective
How Safe are HPV Vaccines?
HPV vaccines are very safe.
The benefit of HPV vaccination far outweigh the risks associated with the vaccines. Some side effects which have been experienced include pain or soreness at the injected site(arm), some swelling, redness and numbness around the site where HPV vaccine is administered. A few adolescents have fainted while getting vaccinated and this is curbed by administartion of the vaccine while you are seated or lying and close monitoring for about 15 minutes post administration of the side effects.
No major side effects have been reported so far
HPV vaccines are made from virus-like particles from the surface components of HPV and thus lack the infectivity of the HPV DNA virus but causes the body to produce antibodies against HPV virus to prevent infection
Young girls and boys aged 9 to 14 years old receive two doses at 0 month and at 6 or 12 months interval when booster HPV vaccine doses are administered.
For those who are immunocompromised and within above age group, an additional booster dose is given with human papillomavirus vaccine scheduled at 0, 1 to 2 months and at 6 months.
If you are older than 15 years and eligible for HPV vaccination i.e, not previously vaccinated; three doses of HPV vaccine are recommended at 0 month, 1-2months and at 6 months.
Research is ongoing on the effectiveness of a single dose HPV vaccine.
How Many Doses of HPV Vaccine should I get?
What HPV Vaccine Does
HPV vaccines prevents against acquisition of new HPV infections and does not treat existing human papilloma virus infections or diseases
Who can get HPV Vaccines?
Young adolescent girls aged between 9-14 years are eligible for vaccination. This group has been selected since the HPV vaccine works best before initiation of sexual debut where HPV infection has not occurred. Young adolescent boys aged 9-14 years are also vaccinated where cost is not a factor and vaccines are available.
Other age groups that the HPV vaccine can be given to are as follows:
Girls and Women aged 15-26 years can be given the HPV vaccine.
Women aged 27-45 years can get vaccinated upon discussion with your healthcare providers since at this time the benefit may be little as you may have already been exposed to human papilloma virus infection. If at risk of new HPV infections you may benefit from vaccination
Talk to a gynecologist near you or OBGYN doctor or health provider about HPV vaccination; the importance and whether you are eligible for vaccination. HPV vaccines for young girls has been available in most government facilities or public hospitals in Kenya since 2019 at no fee at all.
Nyalife Women’s Health Clinic gynecologists will share with you latest information regarding HPV vaccination, cervical cancer screening and diagnosis including referrals if need be to gynecological oncologist so that you are wholly cared for. Call us on 0746516514 or book your appointment with us at www.nyalifewomensclinic.com
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